Guidelines On How To Choose a Church According To The Bible
How do you know the church you are considering is the right church? How do you know the church you are attending is the right church. This decision is a critical part of the believers' spiritual walk.
It is in the fellowship of other believers that the relationship to both God and man is nurtured, with the results being spiritual maturity. This relationship of the believer to God is in the context of holiness. This holiness should be displayed by actionable / demonstrable love (John 15:12 ) and in obedience to God. (John 14:15,21) according to his word.
The Bible tells us that apostasy and heretical teaching would abound in the institutional church at the end of the church age, (1 Tim 4:1-3) therefore picking a church home is not an easy task no matter where you reside on planet earth. Unfortunately an ever increasing number have abandoned Biblical teaching, making the task to pick a Bible believing church more difficult and time consuming. Despite the effort required in picking the right church it is vital that one do so, picking the right church reduces the risk of being spiritually deceived.(Eph 4:11-15)
Before you continue, keep in mine there is no perfect church, the church consist of imperfect human beings, who are saved by the grace of God. This is not to say that the Biblical standard for choosing a church should be lowered but our expectation concerning those whom we encounter within the church should be reasonable and practical and with an attitude of forgiveness and grace.
There are numerous good sites with varies criteria for choosing a church. I believe the Bible teach that assessment should be done in at lease the following nine categories. These categories should have an emphasis reflecting the 21 century church culture in light of the non changing Biblical directive. These categories are applicable regardless of church size. A church who is biblically sound in the following areas would typically indicate a sound church.
How to Choose a Church: Key Considerations
1.The Bible is taught systematically and in its entirety (book by book verse by verse)- Matt 4:4; Acts 20:26-27; 2 Tim 3:16 - This should be the main thrust of teaching from the pulpit with an occasional topical study. Some churches will have topical studies during the midweek services or classes. |
2. Doctrinal Integrity - 2 John 1:9; Titus 1:7-9 - Ask for the church's doctrinal statement, read it carefully along with your Bible to see if it aligns up. If you read something that seems questionable or you don't understand what is being conveyed, ask questions. If your questions are brushed off or treated with indifference, this is a sure sign that this is not the church for you; leave. If the church has no doctrinal statement, leave, in an age where people believe any and everything, a church must clarify its core doctrinal beliefs. Which should be Biblically based. |
3. Doctrinal Practice Doctrine for the sake of having doctrine is useless unless it's internalized and integrated into the behavior of the believer (Titus 2:1; James 1:22-27). -
One must understand there is no such thing as a perfect church.rTherefore a church based on biblical truth should conduct itself to the same. If a church's behavior practices differ from its doctrinal statement, leave. This practice of duplicity, and is a sure sign that something is severely wrong. |
4. Loving, Interpersonal Relationships among believers - There should be genuine care and concern for fellow believers (John 13:34; John 15:12,17; 1 John 2:9; 1 John 3:17; 1 John 3:23) |
5. Biblical Separation - find out what 'institutional' associations the church may have and what these institutions believe. |
6. Evangelism of the Loss / Missions - This is a task given by Jesus himself. One should find an active involvement by the local church in participating and supporting missions (Matt 28:19-20) locally and abroad. There should also be an active outreach to share the Gospel with the Jews. (Rom 1:16) |
7. Discipleship - The church should be engaged in "making disciples". "making disciples" should be brought about by sound Biblical teaching and exhortation to live out a biblical word view. |
8. Do not rush to join a church. Take your time to investigate what the church is about. (1) Visit the Sunday school class (2) Talk to others about the church (3) take notes during the Sunday Service and review them (4) Attend the new beginners class if it's available. These allow you to learn of the church's mission, vision, organizational structure, etc., (5) Know what the Church's institution Associations are (6) Make arrangements to talk to the pastor if he has not already visited you. It has been my experience that it takes about four to six months to gain a comprehensive understanding of what the church is all about (7) If what you have discovered about the church aligns up Biblically, by all means, join, get involved with the church's ministry according to how God has called/gifted you, support your church financially and with your time. |
9. Avoid churches if the following is being taught:. [not all movements listed. Only the current major movements are covered]