End Time Discernment' operates as a non-denominational
Para church ministry. It is for personal, noncommercial, nonprofit, and
educational use. Its primary goal is to serve as a Biblical discernment site, providing information to Christians so
that they are alerted to the dangers of aberrant movements and practices within the church and culture for the areas covered on this site.
I know this site will anger some while benefiting others. My prayer and desire are that it will provide a catalyst for
Christian discernment, spiritual growth, and aid in spiritual warfare that believers will face.
Dedication of this site
This site is dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ, who saved me from a life of sin and gave me eternal hope and purpose.
About Me
My name is Hiram E. Sutton. I'm a layperson who was saved by God over 45 years ago. Over the years, God has given me a strong desire to tell others about the truth of his word and the love he has for those who have no relationship with him. I don't claim any degree at this point. I do, however, have college-level training in the areas of doctrinal and Old/New Testament studies from Liberty University. God has been exceptionally gracious to me by allowing me to be under sound and in-depth teaching all of my Christian life, which has allowed me to be well-grounded in the faith. It is out my relationship with Christ and the love he has poured into me that I now give back to the body Christ.
1. To bring about awareness and discernment, about the dangers of anti-Biblical movements, teachings, and practices that have invaded the church. 2. Enabling a more effective missionary ministry to those caught in the clutches of false teaching and apostasy 3. Help equip Christians with a relevant cultural awareness so that they can effectively contend for the faith, and to enter arenas of resistance to rescue those caught in the web of apostasy and deception. 4. Encourage believers to give attention to Biblical truth and discernment regarding anti-Biblical movements’ teachings and practices, being currently promoted in the church and in the culture.
Purpose of Site
(1) To examine major aberrant teachings that's come into the church including denominational distinctives that are not Biblical (2) To enable followers of Christ to recognize and defend their faith against aberrant teaching. (3) To enable born again believer to be end time discernment as to the times we live in.
How Site is Financed
All monetary costs for this site, such as the domain name and web server fees, have come from my pocket as God provides. Prayers however are gladly accepted and appreciated.
Some may think I'm creating division and disruption for no reason at all. But if you objectively and carefully read and study what I have on the site, in the light of scripture. You will see the big picture of what is occurring in our post Christianity era and the culture at large.
Concern One
A lack of applying the proper context for interpreting the Bible, its native context is that of the biblical writers - the context that produced the Bible. To use any other contextual setting would diminish the 'Biblical Message' and mislead its readers.
Concern Two
There's an ever-increasing number of iconic Church leaders and teachers, in positions of influence and authority, who are claiming to be doing the work of God, while at the same time rejecting Biblical truth. Some make God out to be someone who is only good for what they can get materially. While others have forsaken the clear teaching of scripture and replaced or intermingled them with new-age teaching, eastern mystical religious practices, cultural correctness, human works, and tradition.
Concern Three
Within the professing church, there is an increasing acceptance of aberrant doctrine, the implementing of non-biblical church practices, and an unbiblical view of diversity, all in the name of tolerance and being progressive. Most professing Christians either are unaware of or ignore the words of Jesus's and the apostles warning about false teachers within the church and the world (Matt 7:15; 13:24-30; 13:36-39) (Acts 20:28-31) (2 Pet 2:1-3) (2 Cor. 11:14-15). This either shows a lack of discernment and or a rebellious mindset that refuses to submit to the authority of scripture. This type of behavior plays a major part in allowing the teaching of the doctrine of demons.
Concern Four
There is also a concern about church lead efforts to recommend or
teach from books whose authors promote / introduce techniques,
methods, unique slants on a particular doctrine and who emphasize
spiritual experiences over the written word of God(Bible). The problem
arises when one start and end with these materials and practices as
the primary source for teaching or belief rather than starting with
the scriptures. Unfortunately this is becoming a common place practice
(i.e. 40 Days of Purpose by Rick Warren and others). Books about the
scriptures should be read as a supplemental study not as the start and
end for Bible study. Starting with scripture better allows the reader
to rightly critique the book(s) read and to gain a better grasp on
scripture. I'm convinced this method of teaching runs the risk of
propagating interpretive errors of the author, plays’ a role in
prohibiting the depth of Bible study (applying correct hermeneutical
principles to exegete scriptures) needed to bring about spiritual
growth, discernment and equipping for Christian service.
It is essential that one start with the scriptures and not abandon
Biblical Bible study in favor of reading Christian literature of a
‘non substantive’ or heretical nature which do not bring one into a
greater understanding of scripture and a closer walk with God. There
is no substitute for effective consistent Bible study where the Bible
is the core for instruction.
Bible study must be done by qualified, called local Bible expositors (pastors,
Sunday school teachers, etc.) who should be qualified through spirit
giftedness and proper training. Training should avoid perpetuating denominational / cultural
(tradition) teaching or keeping those who attend
entertained or pacified through excessive devotional teaching. Pastors
and Teachers must not be afraid to teach both milk and meat of the
It's imperative that the local church pastoral staff recognized the
dangers presented when methods and teaching techniques disable the
local church’s ability to protect and mature attending believers (Eph 4:11-14).
Teaching of Gods' word must be done in a way that allows for spiritual growth and
enable the believer to think in terms of a Biblical world view.
Concern Five
There is a concern about the failure among some pastors and teachers
who do not systematically teach the full counsel of God's word (Acts 20:27) or ensure that
a new believer is properly disciple. This failure has produced anemic, unlearned and unequipped saints.
The results, believers are struggling to live out their Christian life (Heb. 5:12-14; Heb. 6:1), are
not able to engage a fallen world for Christ and, they are not equipped to fight in the spiritual warfare we are in (Eph. 6:12-17).
We must be deep as well as wide in our understanding of Scripture. This mandates that any teaching program at its core must have the goal
to systematically teach all 66 books of the Bible (Deut 8:3; Matt 4:4; 2Tim 3:16-17). Equally, we must practice the doctrine we teach and
preach, (James 1:22-25) lest we deceive ourselves, confuse others, and bear a false witness.
As the professing church descends into the depths of apostasy and the Church age draws to a close, it is
now time for God’s people to sound the warning as never before. It must also expose the deeds of darkness
(Eph. 3.8-20) and save others snatching them out of the clutches of apostate teachers (Jude 1:23).
There must be an intensified focus in the efforts of teaching the whole counsel of God, utilizing every
ministry within the church as a conduit for teaching Biblical truth. Biblical understanding and discernment
is not an option but a necessity that must be diligently applied during this age of darkness and deception,
lest the enemy gains a foothold and advantage over us.
It is only when we correctly interpret and obey scripture that we will be prepared to
effectively engage in spiritual warfare and productively carry out the
work that God has ordained for us. It's then will we be
prepared for the times we live in.