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UFO/UAP Phenomenon At The End of The Age
2 Thess 9-10
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,
10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
"In dealing with the mystery of UFO/UAP's, we are not on the lunatic fringe of theology.
Instead, we stand on your behalf in front line of battle.
We are in defensive warfare at a major point of assault on humanity."
Dr. David Allen Lewis, Author, "UFO/UAP: End Time Delusion"
Why are we seeing all the IFO It’s all about the war. An invisible war. A cosmic contest which may, indeed, engulf the planet Earth in ways that very few have any capacity to anticipate. Anyone who has been watching the news, or has been profiling the entertainment media, realizes that our society is increasingly being confronted with the “invisible” world—and what was once the domain of science fiction and the lunatic fringe, has now become the preoccupation of serious scientific investigations and has also become a major centroid of policy within the classified government community… There is a cosmic deception being orchestrated and you are one of its targets…
“Extraordinary encounters have been reported for as long as human beings have been around, and they are richly documented in the world’s folklore and mythology.
A considerable portion of it is about channeling (in which an individual is the passive recipient of messages from the otherworld, usually speaking in the voice of an intelligence from elsewhere) from a wide assortment of entities: nebulous energy sources, soul clusters, extraterrestrials, ascended masters, inter-dimensional beings, discarnate Atlanteans and Lemurians, nature spirits, even whales and dolphins. Besides these purely psychic connections with the otherworld, there are many who report direct physical meetings with beings from outer space, other dimensions, the hollow earth, and other fantastic places.
In 1896 and 1897, during what today would be called a nationwide wave of unidentified flying object (UFO/UAP) sightings, American newspapers printed accounts of
landings of strange craft occupied by nonhuman crews of giants, dwarfs, or monsters presumed to be visiting extraterrestrials.
But in the UFO/UAP age—that is, the period from 1947 to the present, when reports of anomalous aerial phenomena became widely known and their implications much
discussed—a small army of “contactees,” recounting physical or psychic meetings with angelic space people, has marched onto the world stage to preach a new cosmic gospel.
In a secular context, UFO/UAP witnesses with no discernible occult orientation or metaphysical agenda have told fantastic tales of close encounters with incommunicative or taciturn humanoids.
Some witnesses even relate, under hypnosis or through conscious “recall,” traumatic episodes in which humanoids took them against their will into apparent spacecraft.
EXTRAORDINARY ENCOUNTERS An Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrials and Otherworldly Beings by Jerome Clark
“Dr. Jacques Vallee’s newest book on UFO/UAPs, The Invisible College, reveals what reputable scientific researchers are now thinking… He believes that we are now “very close” to understanding what they are. He notes that the ‘idea’ of extraterrestrial intelligent life has in a few years become astonishingly fashionable, among scientists as well as fortune tellers, as a result of “a great thirst for contact with superior minds that will provide guidance for our poor, harassed, hectic planet.” He significantly sees that the idea of visitors from outer space has become the great myth or “wonderful untruth” of our times: “It has become very important for large numbers of people to expect visitors from outer space.”
Yet he finds it too naive to believe in this myth: “This explanation is too simple-minded to account for the diversity of the reported behavior of the occupants
and their perceived interaction with human beings.” Dr. Hynek has noted that in order to explain the various effects produced by
UFO/UAPs, we must assume that they
are “a phenomenon that undoubtedly ‘has physical effects’ but also has the attributes of the psychic world.” Dr. Vallee believes that “they are constructed both
as physical craft (a fact which has long appeared to me undeniable) and as psychic devices, whose exact properties remain to be defined.” Actually, the theory
that UFO/UAPs are not physical craft at all, but some kind of para-physical or psychic phenomenon, was suggested by a number of researchers in the early 1950’s; but
this opinion was largely submerged later, on the one hand by the cultists, with their insistence on the extraterrestrial origin of
UFO/UAPs, and on the other hand by
the official government explanations, which corresponded to the widespread popular view that the whole phenomenon was imaginary. Only lately have serious
investigators begun to agree that UFO/UAPs, while having certain physical characteristics, cannot at all be explained as somebody’s space ships, but are clearly
Orthodox Christian Understanding of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO/UAPs)Explanation of the
UFO/UAP Phenomena Something of the paraphysical or
occult realm.”
To start let me clarify, "I do not hold to the position that UFO/UAPs are of an extraterrestrial (physical) origin. I believe that the evidence points to that of a spiritual/extra-dimensional origin."
Also, I'm going to leave out the specific location where I had my UFO/UAP encounter, to avoid undue attention to the area, but I will give the city.
My UFO/UAP encounter happened in August of 1978 in the city of Seattle Washington:
1) I was in my car at a stop sign approximately 500-800 feet from where I observed
the UFO/UAP, at around 11:30pm - was on my way to work. I was in a residential area and at this time of night there was no traffic in the
immediate vicinity during the duration that I observed the UFO/UAP. This allowed me to view the
UFO/UAP for approximately three to five minutes.
After viewing it for the three to five-minute time frame, I had to leave so as to avoid being late for work.
2) Its appearance was that of a white sphere approximately 17 to 20 feet in diameter.
The odd thing about its appearance, it was white with no glow nor did it make any sound, it was completely silent, from what I could determine from my location
and distance.
3) It behaved as if it was searching for something. I watched as it slowly approached a multi-level condominium. It went from floor to floor
on the right side of the building facing the lake, starting
from the lowest level and then to each of the upper levels, pausing as it
went to each level.
In looking back, "I’m convinced, that God through his providence allowed me to encounter this experience, it was one of several things that God used to draw me into a personal relationship with his son – Jesus."
As a follower of Christ why should I need an awareness of what is occurring with
UFO/UAP’s? The answer, "so that we may
be ready to give and answer and a defense if necessary, to those in the culture who have been persuaded by the anti-Christ and anti-biblical
messaging that comes out of the UFO/UAP phenomenon.
Their messaging has clearly changed the consciousness of the culture especially in the areas of science and spirituality.
In the area of science their messaging has reached the realm of academia concerning the origin of man. Science has been peppered with the esoteric
and new age occultic spirituality – which is really old age, as Solomon has
said," there is nothing new under the sun". (Ecc 1:9)
The UFO/UAP phenomenon and its messaging is not
going away but is continuing to increase globally, Christians must be at the fore
front of this spiritual warfare to provide an answer to their false
anti-Biblical messaging and a conduit for deliverance to those who are trying
to escape.
One only has to look at the case studies to see the malevolent behavior of the
UFO/UAP entities. The following can be seen.
Some of the abductees have ended up with radiation poisoning
Reported people and cattle mutilation where sex organs and other body parts removed had been removed with surgical precision some “bloodlessly”. Near the time of the incidents
UFO/UAP’s had
been reported to be near the scene of the mutilation
Recurring nightmares, flashbacks, panic attacks and an irrational anxiety when returning to the area of the abduction- even though the victim may have no conscious memory of the event itself. Even so, this stage is often marked by the obsessive need to return to the site of the abduction, as if the victim is willing it to happen again.
No one has the power and authority that Jesus Christ has, being God incarnate.
God the Father has exalted Him above every name!
5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,
6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,
7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant,and being made in the likeness of men.
8 Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming
obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
9 For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him
the name which is above every name,
10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the
glory of God the Father. (Phil 2:5-11 NASB)
Jesus is the 'Son of God'Jesus 'Superior to
all the angels'Jesus is 'Heir' to all things Jesus is the One who 'made the universe'
1 Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets,
2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.
3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,
4 having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs. (ESV Heb 1:1–4)
The Bible says that we must stand in Christ's power and battle for souls.
Those of us who have a real relationship with
Jesus Christ have an imperative given to us in the book of Jude, which we are to
constantly perform, in service to our Lord and that is, “
22 And have mercy on some, who are doubting;
23 save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear,
hating even the garment polluted by the flesh.(Jude1:22-23)
17“I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build
My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.”(Matt 16:18NASB).
The context of these verses is that of apostasy
by both the fallen Angels and apostasy within the church. The apostasy of
the fallen angels is not limited among themselves. Their actives have always
involved the deception of mankind and included willing men and women in
their deceptive methods (1 Tim 4:1) which will ultimately lead their
destruction unless they repent and accept Christ has their Lord and savior.
(Rom 10:8-11). For it is Jesus alone who saves (Eph 2:8-10), we are his
servant who delivers the message of salvation (Rom 10:14-15)
Proof that Jesus saves from the malevolent
behavior of UFO/UAP aliens has learn from those involved in the UFO/UAP
1) “Alien Abductions” stop in the name and authority of Jesus Christ, and can be terminated as a pattern in a person’s life.
This first point has been documented by Joe Jordan, who started as a MUFO/UAPN researcher in 1992. After years of focusing on
UFO/UAP sightings, in 1997
he co-founded the CE4 Research Group, to focus more on research pertaining to “alien abduction” reports. Their research has been documented in over
a dozen books mostly by Christian authors, that there are hundreds of abduction experiences that have been stopped by using the name and authority
of Jesus Christ. Of the hundreds of cases the CE4 Research Group has worked with since 1997 who have been able to terminate the alien abduction
experience in their life, over 95 former abductees have allowed them to share their personal testimonies on the CE4 Research Website. For many
people, this research actually settles the issue, proving that the experience is spiritual in nature, and not genuinely extra-terrestrial.
You can read a synopsis of their research findings on the CE4 Research Group website:
And their collection of testimonies of former abductees are online to read and listen to here:
CE4 Research Group – Former Abductee Testimonies
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph 6:12 (KJV))
These spiritual weapons are age-old tools to apply that have been
misrepresented and ignored. Unfortunately much of the misrepresentation is
from the so-called church. This has turned a deaf ear for many to anything
"Christian" as being outdated, non-progressive and ineffective. Regardless
of your own personal background and mis-conceptions, there is a risen,
powerful, and loving creator who has the answers and means to rid your
personal life from anything, from anywhere. A very unusual promise is one of
my favorite scriptures. I do not think it is mere coincidence how Paul wrote
this comforting promise, for it speaks of alien abductions and many
unexplained problems. These spiritual weapons are age-old tools to apply that have been
misrepresented and ignored. Unfortunately much of the misrepresentation is
from the so-called church. This has turned a deaf ear for many to anything
"Christian" as being outdated, non-progressive and ineffective. Regardless
of your own personal background and misconceptions, there is a risen,
powerful, and loving creator who has the answers and means to rid your
personal life from anything, from anywhere. A very unusual promise is one of
my favorite scriptures. I do not think it is mere coincidence how Paul wrote
this comforting promise, for it speaks of alien abductions and many
unexplained problems.
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor
height, nor depth, NOR ANY OTHER CREATURE, shall be able to separate us from
the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord". (KJV) Rom 8:38-39
Their changes in where they orginate from
In the 1950s, the entities typically told the contactees of the day that they were from Mars and Venus. But we’ve since
sent probes and satellites there and found that these planets are hostile to supporting life – at least the humanoid type of life they were
claiming to be.
So 50 years later, the entities now claim they originate from far more distant places in other star systems, like Zeta Reticuli which is 39
light years away, or even in other galaxies like Andromeda, which is 2.5 million light years away.
In investigating the UFO/UAP phenomenon it becomes apparent that one of their main goals is that of messaging. Their messaging strangely
focuses on an anti-biblical position. Why such a focus, why not a focus on Islam, Hinduism; etc.?
They claim to be the savor and creators of humanity, some claim they can deliver humanity out of the destruction that is coming upon the
earth and that the Bible should not be believed because its not accurate.
They also teach past lives and reincarnation which is oppose to Heb 9:27.
The UFO/UAP aliens has affected the consiousious of the culture. See the below
video for a more complete treatment of the messages of UFO/UAP aliens.
The UFO/UAP aliens have affected the conscious of the
culture to the point where people think about Bible miracles and stories
including creation as the result of Alien involvement. See the
following video on the aliens messages as reported by abductees
Dr. Leo Sprinkle, a PhD “Professor Emeritus” of Counseling at Wyoming University summarizes the experiences by saying that,
“UFO/UAP contactees have been chosen … no UFO/UAP contact is accidental … and that the manifestations are designed to influence the worldview of contactees…What follows
is a summary of these claims about UFO/UAP experiences and related conditions:
1. UFO/UAP contactees have been chosen; no UFO/UAP contact is accidental.
2. Contactees are ordinary people, who exhibit a caring or a loving concern for all humankind…
4. UFO/UAP experiences include paraphysical, parapsychological, and spiritual manifestations which are designed to influence the “world view” of contactees.
8. Contactees are programmed for a variety of “future” activities, including awareness of their own contacts and desire to share their messages and knowledge with
other contactees.
9. The lives of contactees move in the direction of greater self-awareness greater concern for the welfare of planet Earth, and a greater sense of Cosmic
Citizenship with other beings in the universe.
10. The personal metamorphosis of UFO/UAP contactees is the forerunner of a social transformation in human consciousness, which now is leading to changes in the
economic, educational, military, political, and religious institutions of nations of the Earth: the “New Age” of true science and spirituality.”
– quoted in Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, pg 136-140, Ronald D. Story, Editor
You get that, Book of Revelation buffs? Expert, secular, PhD opinion… is that aliens are prepping people to accept the merging of politics, religion and money
into a New Age system!
Should the church address the UFO/UAP phenomenom? The answer is "yes".
The reasons why: 1) The UFO/UAP phenomenom is affecting the consciousness of the culture globally. 2) Its alien occupants deliver an
anti-Christ / anti-biblical message. 3) people are being harmed both physically, mentally and spiritually.
Therefore, it's imperative that the church respond to this clear attack upon Biblical truth and help those who are seeking deliverance
from the malevolent behavior encountered.
To fail to do so, would reflect a disregard of what God has call the church to do. (Jude 1: 3)
The following appeared on
Alien Resistance website. I'm
convinced that their questions can be converted into a usable frame work (see bold)
"In July of 2009 eleven Christian ministers and scholars were asked 50 questions.
..Note that all participants have spent years investigating the UFO/UAP topic from a Biblical perspective, and many are published authors on the topic." Six of the questions dealt with
questions about how the church should address
this phenomenon.
45. Do you believe that the facts and claims
represened by the UFO/UAP and “alien” phenomena warrant further theological evaluation
by the Christian church?
46. Do you believe the church should categorize
“alien abduction” as a spiritual warfare topic?
47. Do you believe the church should regard “alien abduction” in the same
category as “ghosts” and “magic”?
48. Do you believe the church should regard “abductees” as under a form of spiritual attack, much in the same manner as people with “ghost activity” in their homes or people attacked by “incubus or succubus”?
49. Do you believe deliverance ministries could
do more to help “alien abductees”?
50. Do you believe the Christian church should be doing more targeted efforts to
reach the Alien/UFO/UAP subculture with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
In my humble opinion, I believe each question (above) provides a do able,
effective framework for the local church to implement in its engagement of
spiritual warfare against the anti-biblical teaching originating from the
I believe that the whole UFO/UAP phenomena will fall under the lying signs and wonders category by the fallen spiritual realm.
There will be a lot more of this demonic phenomenon even to the point governments and militaries will no longer deny their existence.
A sign of the spiritual crisis of today is that contemporary humanity, for all their proud “enlightenment” and “wisdom,” reject the Christian framework with which to explain the
phenomenon. Contemporary UFO/UAP researchers, seeking an explanation of the phenomena have joined today’s psychic researchers in an attempt to formulate a “unified field theory” that will encompass psychic as well as physical phenomena.
Researchers continue the approach of modern men who trust their so-called scientific observations rooted in materialism to give answers in a spiritual
realm that cannot be approached objectively at all, but can only be properly evaluated with the knowledge of the faith in the testimony of scriptures.
The physical world is morally neutral and may be known rather well by an objective observer; but the invisible spiritual realm comprises beings both
good and evil, and the materialistic observer has no means of distinguishing one from the other unless he accepts the revelation which the invisible God
has made known to man. A failure to ignore the Biblical testimony will lead to a wrong conclusion as to what is actually taking place within the
phenomenon and could prove fatal to humanity.
There is sufficient information and activity in the UFO/UAP arena that demand that the believing church give a Biblical response to the anti-biblical
messaging and malevolent behavior of the UFO/UAP entities. This area represents an evangelist missionary field where people are being pursuded by the
UFO/UAP message, demonically oppressed and, in some cases, even possessed as they fall under the control of the
UFO/UAP entities.
Orthodox Christian Understanding of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO/UAPs) Explanation of the
UFO/UAP Phenomena used as a research base
Russian Orthdox Church
'Official Disclosure' has now occured as demonstrated in the folowing articles.
UFO/UAP's - Are They Part of The Deception Mentioned in 2 Thess 2:9–10?
9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders,
10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
(2 Thess 2:9–10)
In the opinion of the website owner the following videos provide a
balanced and biblical understanding of our current world for the category
of UFO/UAP's. Therefore, they are not chosen according to popularity or
large number of views but according to how they align with the biblical
world view. The intent of focusing on these videos is to provide an aid to
the Christian as they obey the Biblical mandate of "Be sober-minded; be watchful...
(1Pet 5:8)”, as we approach the end of the church age.
As in all
things, remember, “examine all things (1 Thess 5:21; Acts 17:11; 1 John 4:1)” and be discerning as you
watch the videos, using the Bible as the primary source of truth.
Disclaimer: This doesn’t imply universal agreement to all points within the
videos but there is general agreement as to their overall message.
3 As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”
4 And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. (Matt 24:3-4 ESV)
The Goal of Deception
1 Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel
together, against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying,
3 “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.”
(Ps 2:1–3 ESV)